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Antonio Addessi


 is a poet and writer living in NYC. His debut book of poetry Sleeptalking was published in 2022 by Rebel Satori Press. He was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio, attended the University of Maine(15') and Columbia University(20'). Follow him on Instagram @zaurdo



Ashwini Bhasi​

is a bioinformatician and interdisciplinary artist from Kerala, India. Her hybrid work merges scientific data, poetry and visual art to explore the lived experience of chronic illness and disability. Her recent work can be found in Michigan Quarterly Review, DIAGRAM, Redivider, Frontier Poetry, RHINO and Honey Literary. MUSTH, the winner of the 2020 CutBank chapbook contest, is her first poetry collection.



Cecilia Smith


is a writer and teacher from Chicago, Illinois. She received her MFA from the University of Maryland and a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Texas Tech University. She lives in Rockville, Maryland.

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Christy Prahl

​is an Illinois Arts Council grant recipient and the author of the poetry collections We Are Reckless (Cornerstone Press, 2023) and Catalog of Labors (Unsolicited Press, forthcoming 2026). A Best of the Net and multiple Pushcart Prize nominee, her work has appeared in Poetry Daily, CALYX (forthcoming), Sugar House Review, the Penn Review, Salt Hill Journal, and others. She has held residencies at both Ragdale and the Writers' Colony at Dairy Hollow and splits her time between Chicago and rural Michigan. More of her work can be found at



Cody Walker​

 is the author of three poetry collections, including The Self-Styled No-Child (Waywiser, 2016). He directs the Undergraduate Program in Creative Writing at the University of Michigan and the Bear River Writers’ Conference in Northern Michigan. He lives in Ann Arbor with several humans and a cat.

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Hannah/Hans Kesling​

is a poet living in Portland, Oregon. They have a BA from Lewis & Clark College and an MFA from Indiana University. You can find their work in Troublemaker Firestarter, Nonbinary Review, new words {press}, and others, listed on

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Laura Passin


is the author of Borrowing Your Body (Riot in Your Throat) and All Sex and No Story (Rabbit Catastrophe Press). Laura earned her PhD in English Literature at Northwestern and her MFA in Creative Writing at the University of Oregon. Her writing has appeared in a wide range of publications, including Prairie Schooner, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, The Toast, Electric Literature, and Best New Poets.  Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart prize and Best of the Net anthology. Laura lives in Denver with too many pets.

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Mari Cohen​

Mari Cohen’s poetry has appeared in The Baffler and South Side Weekly. An alumna of the Ann Arbor Public Schools, she was a founding member of the Community High School Poetry Club. She currently lives in Brooklyn, where she is a journalist and associate editor at Jewish Currents, a magazine of the Jewish left. 



Onna Solomon​

is a writer, social worker, public school graduate, and founder of Stubborn Joy Society, a (somewhat imaginary) collective committed to joy as an act of survival. She is the author of the poetry chapbook Disorder, published by Press 34. Her poems have appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Denver Quarterly, 32 Poems, and Hobart, among others. Her poem “Autism Suite” was awarded the Beloit Poetry Journal’s Chad Walsh Poetry Prize. She lives in Ann Arbor, MI.

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Robbie Q. Telfer​

is a poet and conservationist living in Chicago. His work has appeared in many online and print publications and he's taught and performed in nine different countries. He has a collection from Write Bloody Publishing, and he's been an individual finalist at the National Poetry Slam. He writes a poetry newsletter and hosts a Zoom writing workshop, both called More of a Comment Than a Question. He's currently the Program Director for Friends of Illinois Nature Preserves.

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